Carmen Díez Mintegui

CARMEN DIEZ MINTEGUI (San Sebastian, 1948). She began her work in Feminist Anthropology as a member of the team working under the leadership of anthropologist Teresa del Valle and which carried out a study of the women’s situation in the Basque Country. Said study was published under the title Mujer Vasca. Imagen y Realidad [Basque Woman. Image and Reality] (Barcelona: Anthropos,1985). In 1986 she received a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy (Culture and Values specialisation) by the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences at UPV/EHU and she defended her PhD thesis in 1993 at said Department, based on research that comparatively analysed women’s labour in two regions of the Basque Country.

In 1989 she began to teach at the UPV/EHU Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences and she was a lecturer at the Social Anthropology degree until her retirement in 2013. She also worked as Collaborating Scholar until 2017. As part of her academic activity, it is worth mentioning her participation as deputy dean, in two occasions of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences. Also worth mentioning is her participation in the state commission for the Degree in Anthropology (CEGA), created in 2004, whose goal was to achieve the total recognition of this area of study. Additionally, she coordinated the Feminist and Gender Anthropology Symposia alongside other colleagues within the framework of the Congresses of Anthropology organised triennially since 1980 by FAAEE (Federation of Associations of Anthropology in the Spanish State), currently known as ASAEE (Association of Anthropology of the Spanish State).

Her research, both individual and in collective projects, has involved issues such as power, change, socialising processes, mythological figures, conflicts linked to demands of equality, and sports.


  • Muelas de Ayala, Laura; Díez Mintegui, Carmen; Urquijo Arregi, Miren eta María Zapata Hidalgo (2020) “Donostiako Emakumeen Etxea (DEE)”, in Mari Luz Esteban (arg.) Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. 35-43 orr.
  • Muelas de Ayala, Laura; Díez Mintegi, Carmen; Urquijo Arregi, Miren y María Zapata Hidalgo (2020) “La Casa de las Mujeres de Donostia (DEE)”, en Mari Luz Esteban (ed.) Tejiendo comunidades desde iniciativas populares, Euskal Herriko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. Pp. 35-43.
  • Hernández, J. M., C. Diez Mintegui, (2017) “Cuerpos que compiten. Cultura vasca y procesos de generización”, en  Alonso Delgado, V. L., y Medina, F. X. (eds.), Deporte, etnicidad e identidades, Le Canarien ediciones, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
  • Esteban, M. L., Bullen, M., Díez Mintegui, C., Hernández García, J. M., Imaz Martínez, E. (2016) Continuidades, conflictos y rupturas frente a la desigualdad: jóvenes y relaciones de género en el País Vasco, Estudio ganador del III Certamen de trabajos de investigación en materia de igualdad. 2015 (Publicación digital de EMAKUNDE en 2016).
  • Diez Mintegui, C., Bullen, M. (2010) “Matriarquy versus Equality: From Mary to Feminist Demands”, en Esteban, ML., Amurrio, M. (Ed) Feminist Challenges in the Social Sciences, Centre for Basque Studies, Reno (Nevada).
  • Diez Mintegui, C. (2006) “Juventud y deporte. Una propuesta de cambio en la organización tradicional de la actividad deportiva”, en Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Vol. LXI, nº 2, Madrid (pp.129-144).
  • Diez Mintegui, C. (2003) “Deporte, socialización y género” en Medina, F. X.; Sánchez, R., Culturas en juego: ensayos de antropología del deporte en España, Barcelona: Icaria.
  • Del Valle, T., Apaolaza, J.M., Arbe, P. Cucó, P., Diez Mintegui, C., Esteban, M.L., Etxeberria, F., Maquiera, V. (2002) Modelos emergentes en los sistemas y relaciones de género, Madrid. Narcea.