Ixone Fernandez de Labastida Medina
IXONE FERNANDEZ DE LABASTIDA is a doctor in Social Anthropology (UPV-EHU). She is currently a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology and Vice Dean of Curricular Practices in the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work (UPV-EHU).
Her doctoral thesis deals with local development and anthropology of food in spite of the fact that, since 2012, her principal area of research has been Feminist Anthropology. Since then she has undertaken different projects and carried out assessment tasks in matters of equality for the public administration. In this way she has combined her professional experience as an equality agent with her research interests.
Meanwhile, she has also participated in different conferences related to this subject and in 2017 coordinated the symposium “Theories and Practices surrounding Feminist Anthropology” within the State Conference of Anthropology Associations. Her writing on the subject has been published in various venues. Her latest piece is included as a chapter titled “Berdintasunerako Politika Publikoen Antropologia” [Anthropology of Public Policies for Equality] in the book Etnografia Feministak Euskal Herrian [Feminist Ethnographies in the Basque Country] (2016), coordinated by Mari Luz Esteban and Jone Miren Hernandez.
- Fernandez de Labastida, Ixone (EN PRENSA) “Aportes de la Antropología Feminista al Trabajo Social. Reflexividad y agencia, claves para la transformación social”, In Irantzu Mendia y Estibaliz De Miguel (ed.) Trabajo Social Feminista. Bases teóricas y experiencias de aplicación.
- Fernandez de Labastida, Ixone (2018) “Las políticas públicas para la igualdad desde una visión antropológica”, In Mari Luz Esteban y Jone Miren Hernández (ed.) Etnografías feministas. Una mirada al siglo XXI desde la antropología vasca, Bellaterra, Barcelona. Pp. 209-223. ISBN 13: 978 84 7290 859 8.
- Fernandez de Labastida, Ixone (2016) “La reunión de la Parzonería de Izki Alto. Un caso etnográfico de revitalización cultural y construcción comunitaria“. Sancho el Sabio, 39. Pp. 204-216.
- Fernandez de Labastida, Ixone (2016) “Reseña del libro Hilak gure artean”. Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos (RIEV). Volumen 2, Número 60. Pp. 477-480.
- Fernandez de Labastida, Ixone (2016) “Berdintasunerako Politika Publikoen Antropologia”, In Mari Luz Esteban eta Jone Miren Hernandez (arg.) Etnografia feministak Euskal Herrian. XXI. mendera begira dagoen antropologia. UPV-EHU, Bilbo. Pp. 139-149. ISBN-10 : 8490824622.