Marta Luxán Serrano
MARTA LUXÁN SERRANO. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (1993, UPV/EHU) and a Doctorate in Demography (2000, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB). Between 1993 and 2000 she was associated with the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfis (UAB) via different grants and contracts. In 2001 she returned, with a postdoctoral grant, to the UPV/EHU where she has worked ever since. Currently, she is an assistant lecturer in the Sociología y Trabajo Social and member of the Academic Committee of the Máster en Estudios Feministas y de Género.
As regards her research fields, as well as demographic issues and those related to families, she has specialised in the methodology of feminist research (she has been a member of the SIMReF since 2008) and she also analyses several topics linked to social movements. Her latest research includes Visibilizar y dimensionar las violencias de género y sexuales en las universidades [Bringing to light and sizing up gender and sexual violence in universities] (member of the work group Retos Investigación), Nuevas solidaridades, reciprocidades y alianzas: la emergencia de espacios colaborativos de participación política y redefinición de la ciudadanía” [New solidarities, reciprocities, and alliances: the rise of collaborative spaces and the redefinition of citizenship] (MINECO, 2018-2021, researcher), Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik [Weaving communities from popular initiatives] (Gipuzkoa Provincial Government, 2018, researcher) and USVreact. Universities Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence (European Community, 2016-2018, UPV/EHU main researcher).
- Biglia, Barbara and Luxán Serrano, Marta (2020). Interviews. In D. Cook (Ed.), The sage encyclopedia of children and childhood studies (Vol. 1, pp. 1002-1004). SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Biglia, Barbara and Luxán Serrano, Marta (2020). Women and children. In D. Cook (Ed.), The sage encyclopedia of children and childhood studies (Vol. 1, pp. 1669-1670). SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Esteban, Mari Luz et al. (2020). Tejiendo comunidades desde iniciativas populares. Resumen del Informe de investigación. Bilbao: Servicio editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
- Guilló-Arakistain, Miren; Esteban Mari Luz and Luxán, Marta (2020). “Le case delle donne nei Paesi Baschi: dibattiti, processi e alleanze”. En: Alga ML and Cima R (ed.) (2020) Allargare il cerchio. Pratiche per una comune umanità. Bari: Progedit, 25-41.
- Luxán Serrano, Marta; Hernandez Garcia, Jone Miren eta Irujo, Xabier (eds.) (2020). LBGTQI+ in the Basque Country. Nevada: Center for Basque Studies Press.
- Luxán Serrano, Marta and Biglia, Barbara (2020). “Family”. In D. Cook (Ed.), The sage encyclopedia of children and childhood studies (Vol. 1, pp. 746-749). SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Luxán, Marta; Azpiazu, Jokin eta Amurrio, Mila (2019). “Tackling sexual violence in Higher Education. Reflections and learnings from Basque Country”, en Shane Duggan et all. (ed.) Social Justice in Times of Crisis and Hope. Young People, Well-being and the Politics of Education. London: Peter Lang. (231-240).
- Luxán, Marta eta Legarreta, Matxalen (2019). “Metodologías cuantitativas desde una perspectiva feminista: una aplicación a través de las Encuestas de Empleo del Tiempo” EE.DD. Otras formas de (des)aprender. Investigaciones feministas en tiempos de violencia, resistencia y decolonialidad. Bilbo: UPV/Hegoa. (93-110)
- Luxán, Marta; Biglia, Barbara eta Azpiazu, Jokin (2018). Violencias sexuales: una asignatura pendiente. Bilbao: UPV/EHU.
- García, Oihane eta Luxán, Marta (2018). Gradu Amaierako Lanak Soziologian. Ikerketa sozial aplikatuak egiteko, gidatzeko eta aurkezteko argibideak. Leioa: UPV/EHUko ikasmaterialen sare-argitalpenak.
- Sagastizabal, Marina y Luxán, Marta (2016). “Generoa eta denboraren erabilera”, en Matxalen Legarreta (koord.) Bi hamarkadako gizarte-aldaketa Euskal AEn denboraren erabileraren bitartez. Denbora-aurrekontuen inkesta, 1993-2013. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Eustat, 379-416.