Margaret Bullen

Scientific Production

MARGARET BULLEN (Nedging, Suffolk, UK, 1964), feminist anthropologist, has lived in the Basque Country since 1991, where she has been a lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of the Basque Country since 2005. She has a degree in Modern Languages (Spanish and French) from the University of Bristol (1987) and a PhD in Philosophy (Social Anthropology) from the Institute of Latin American Studies,  University of Liverpool (1991). She completed her thesis on cultural and socio-economic changes and Andean migration in the shanty towns of Arequipa, Peru.

Her interest in migrations, identities, language and change has remained a constant, and in the project New solidarities, reciprocities and alliances: the emergence of collaborative spaces of political participation and redefinition of citizenship, she researched Irungo Harrera Sarea Welcome Network for migrants.

In recent years, her work has focused on the conflicts arising over changes proposed in festive rituals in Gipuzkoa, especially the controversial participation of women in the Alardes of Hondarribia and Irun, but also the Alarde del Moro (Antzuola) or the Tamborrada (Donostia-San Sebastian). Representative of this work is Tristes espectáculos: las mujeres y los Alardes de Irun y Hondarribia (2003). She took part in AFIT’s project Continuities, conflicts and rupture in the face of inequality: gender relations and the practice of gender equality (2003), focusing on young people’s attitude to gender and change in the festival. Her latest study in this area, Strategies for the participation of women in local festivals in the Basque Autonomous Community was commissioned by Emakunde, presented to the Basque Parliament’s Commission for Human Rights, Equality and Justice (15/06/2022) and was the basis for the script of Julen Herrero’s documentary “Breaking Tradition”.

Bullen has a special interest in applied anthropology and has served as Vice-Dean of the Practicum and Cooperation for development (2017-2021). In 2002, she participated in the foundation of Farapi, the first Basque consultancy in applied anthropology. She is an active member of UKS (Unibertsitate Kritikoa Sarea), working to connect university, NGOs and social movements, and collaborates with entities such as Medicus Mundi Gipuzkoa (Reducing gender gaps and male violence in the southern Somali region, Ethiopia, 2023-2027) or KCD (Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Oficina del Historiador, Havana, 2022-2024),

Finally, Bullen maintains close ties with USAC (University Studies Abroad Consortium) and Basque Studies programmes in the United States. She published Basque Gender Studies in 2003 and, in 2018, was invited to be the Eloise Garmendia Bieter Chair at Boise State University, Idaho.



  • MONTESINOS, Lidia & BULLEN, Margaret (2022), ”A Vindication of the Rights of Women. Equal participation in rituals of a festival context”, in Marquez Porras, R., Mazzola, R., Terradas Saborit, I. (eds.) Vindicatory Justice. Beyond Law and Revenge. Switzerland: Springer, pp. 265-284.
  • BULLEN, Margaret (2021) “What We Have Learned on the Way: Looking Back Over the Disputed Participation of Women in the Alardes of Hondarribia and Irun”, in Ariznabarreta, L. & Lete, N. (eds.) Memory and Emotion. (Basque) Women’s stories: Constructing meaning from memory, University of Nevada: Reno. pp. 152-170.
  • BULLEN, Margaret (2021) “Un año sin fiestas. Oportunidad para la reflexión y la (re)invención”, en Roigé Ventura, X. & Canals Ossul, A. (eds.) Patrimonios confinados. Retos del patrimonio inmaterial ante el COVID-19, Barcelona: Edicions de la Univertsitat de Barcelona, pp. 43-55.
  • AGIRRE LEGARRETA, Anaitze & BULLEN, Margaret (2021) “El tránsito como proceso migratorio generizado: Mujeres africanas negras en movimiento”, en Barbero, I. (ed.) El tránsito de personas migrantes desde la perspectiva de los derechos y la acogida digna (I), Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, pp. 189-211.
  • BULLEN, Margaret & PEREZ GALAN, Beatriz (2020) “Desde la reivindicación de la participación a la incorporación del Género en el patrimonio cultural festivo en el estado español”, en Fundación Gabeiras (coord.) Patrimonio inmaterial y desigualdades de género. Análisis y propuestas desde una perspectiva antropológica y jurídica), La Cultivada, pp. 10-57.
  • Con AGIRRE LARRETA, Anaitze [et al.] (2020) Ez Donk Oraindik y Corps-Exquis: una comunidad feminista en tiempos de virus, en Marina Garcés y Antonio Casado da Rocha (eds.): Debate: Comunidades de práctica y el futuro de la educación, Dilemata, Revista Internacional de Éticas Aplicadas, nº 33, pp. 95-115.
  • BULLEN, Margaret (UPV/EHU), Medicus Mundi Gipuzkoa, Farapi Coop (2018) ¿El amor es algo bonito que se controla online? La gestión virtual de las relaciones en la adolescencia vasca y peruana / Online kontrolatzen den gauza ederra ote da maitasuna? Euskal eta perutar nerabeak harremanen kudeaketa birtualean” (Euskaraz laburpen bakarrik eskuragai).
  • BULLEN, Margaret (2018) “Soldados, cocineros y aguadoras en la tamborrada donostiarra: Participación festiva y performance de género”, in Mari Luz Esteban and Jone Miren Hernández Garcia (coord.) Etnografías feministas. Una mirada al siglo XXI desde la antropología vasca, pp. 61-83
  • BULLEN Margaret (2017) “La antropología feminista: Aportaciones conceptuales para una epistemología participativa”, in Jone Martinez Palacios (ed.) Participar desde los feminismos: Ausencias, expulsiones y resistencias, Barcelona: Icaria,  pp. 29-63.
  • BULLEN Margaret (2017) “Genero-sistema eta jaiak: begirada antropologiko bat Euskal Herriko errealitateari”, in Miren Guilló Arakistain (coord.) Festak, genero-harremanak eta feminismoa. Begirada teoriko eta antropologikoak, praktika sortzaileak eta plzaeraren kudeaketa kolektiboak, Bilbo: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, pp. 35-54.