Miren Guilló Arakistain
MIREN GUILLÓ ARAKISTAIN is an anthropologist and lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She holds a diploma in Social Education (UPV/EHU, 2004), a bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy (UPV/EHU, 2006) and in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UPV/EHU, 2012), and a PhD in Feminist and Gender Studies (UPV/EHU, 2020). She is interested in lines of research involving anthropology of medicine and health, social theory of affect and the body, gender systems, feminist and corporal epistemologies, critical studies of science and biomedicine, collective knowledge processes, agency, and social change.
In her PhD thesis she has analysed the alternative politics and cultures of menstruation and the corporal ideologies, gender configurations, and processes of change and agency intersecting said politics and cultures. To this purpose she has developed a corporal ethnography that merges the political, physical, and emotional dimensions of those processes in her analysis. During the PhD’s development she completed especially significant residencies at UC Berkeley (2012), UC San Diego (2013), and IRSA (Institute for Developmental and Strategic Analysis Research Centre/ Inštitut za razvojne in strateške analize) in Ljubljana (2014).
She is a member of AFIT (Feminist Anthropology Research Group, UPV/EHU) and takes part in a range of research projects such as: “SOLIDARY. Nuevas solidaridades, reciprocidades y alianzas: la emergencia de espacios colaborativos de participación política y redefinición de la ciudadanía” [New solidarities, reciprocities, and alliances: the rise of collaborative spaces and the redefinition of citizenship] (MINECO CSO2017-82903-R), and “Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik” [Weaving communities from popular initiatives] (Gipuzkoa Provincial Government-UPV/EHU). She is also a member of the Laboratorio Saperi Situati (Universitá di Verona) research group and of research networks SMCR (Society for Menstrual Cycle Research) and RedCAPS (Women healthcare professionals network). She is president of the Basque Anthropology Association ANKULEGI (2015-2020).
She is also interested in the analysis of spaces and politics surrounding festivals, based on a line of research that combines, on one hand, feminist anthropology and a social theory of the body and, on the other, the anthropology of festivals. Additionally, she worked for a number of years in the pedagogical field as a member of various associations and projects merging educational innovation, social topics, gender, and corporality. She applied a feminist anthropological lens to these projects.
- Guilló-Arakistain, Miren; Esteban, Mari Luz; Luxán Serrano, Marta (2020) “Le case delle donne nei Paesi Baschi: dibattiti, processi e alleanze”, in Cima, Rosanna y Alga, Maria Livia (ed.) Allargare il cerchio. La cura e l’apprendimento come pratiche politiche, MeTis International journal, Orr: 25-41. ISSN 2240-9580
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren (2020) “Una aproximación etnográfica a las relaciones entre espiritualidad, género y salud” in Albert, María y Pulido, Montserrat (coord.) La confluencia de la Salud y la Espiritualidad de la mano de las medicinas alternativas y complementarias, Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 36 (1) 21-36. ISSN: 1696-8298
- Guilló-Arakistain, Miren (2020) “Challenging Menstrual Normativity: Nonessentialist Body Politics and Feminist Epistemologies of Health”, in Bobel, Chris; Winkler, Inga T.; Fahs, Breanne; Hasson, Katie Ann; Kissling, Elizabeth Arveda; Roberts, Tomi-Ann (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Action, Singapore, Orr: 869-883. ISBN 978-981-15-0614-7
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren; Luxán Serrano, Marta; Esteban, Mari Luz (2020) “Kulturarteko Plaza Feminista. La Casa de las Mujeres de Hernani” In Esteban Galarza, M.L. (koord.), Amaia Agirre Miguélez et al. (2020): Tejiendo comunidades desde iniciativas populares. EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua., 55-61 . ISBN: 978-84-1319-244-4
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren; Luxán Serrano, Marta; Esteban, Mari Luz (2020) “Kulturarteko Plaza Feminista. Hernaniko Emakumeen Etxea” In Esteban Galarza, M.L. (koord.), Amaia Agirre Miguélez et al. (2020): Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik. EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua., 55-61. ISBN: 978-84-1319-249-9.
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren (2020) Hilekoaren politika eta kultura alternatiboen etnografia bat: genero-konfigurazioak, gorputz-ahalduntzea eta ezagutza kolektiboak [Una etnografía de las políticas y culturas alternativas de la menstruación: configuraciones de género, empoderamiento corporal y conocimientos colectivos] Tesis Doctoral, UPV/EHU.
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren (2018) “Habitar lo imponderable. Espiritualidades contemporáneas y lecturas alternativas de la menstruación” [Inhabiting the Imponderable: Contemporary Spiritualities and Alternative Readings of Menstruation] in Esteban, Mari Luz; Hernández, J. Miren (ed.) Etnografías feministas. Una mirada al siglo XXI desde la antropología vasca. [Feminist Ethnographies: A Basque Persective on the 21st Century] Barcelona: Bellaterra, 183-208.
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren (2017) “Hilekoaren antropologiara hurbilketa: odolaren arau eta politikak” [An Approximation to the Anthropology of Menstruation: Norms and Politics of Blood] in Alegria, Iñaki; Latatu, Ainhoa; Ormaetxeberria, Miren Josu; Salaberri, Patxi (ED.) II. IkerGazte. Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz [II: IkerGazte: International Research in Basque], UEU Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, 199-205.
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren (ed.) (2016) Festak, genero-harremanak eta feminismoa. Begirada teoriko eta antropologikoak, praktika sortzaileak eta plazeraren kudeaketa kolektiboak, [Festivals, Gender Relations, and Feminism: Theoretical and Anthropological Approaches, Creative Practices and Collective Management of Pleasure] UEU Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, Bilbao: 1-305
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren (2014) “Mujeres jóvenes y menstruación: contracultura y resignificación del ciclo menstrual en el País Vasco” [Young Women and Menstruation: Counter-Culture and Resignification of the Menstrual Cycle in the Basque Country] in Romaní, Oriol; Casadó, Lina (ed.) Jóvenes, desigualdades y salud. Vulnerabilidad y políticas publicas [Youth, Inequalities, and Health: Vulnerability and Public Policy], URV Antropologia Mèdica, REDAM 13, Tarragona, 143-165
- Guilló Arakistain, Miren (2013) “La in-corporación de la investigación: políticas de la menstruación y cuerpos (re)productivos” [The In-Corporation of Research: Politics of Menstruation and (Re)Productive Bodies] in Escobar, Manuel Roberto; Cabra, Nina Alejandra (ed.) La sensibilidad: potencia y resistencias [Sensibility: Power and Resistances], Nómadas, Universidad Central, Bogotá, 233-245.