Olatz Dañobeitia Ceballos
OLATZ DAÑOBEITIA CEBALLOS holds a diploma in Education/Pre-school education (UPV/EHU, 2011) and a bachelor’s in Sociology (UPV/EHU, 2013). Currently, after completing a master’s in “Feminist and Gender Studies” (UPV/EHU, 2016), she is undertaking a doctorate in the Department of Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology. Through a predoctoral grant from the UPV/EHU she is doing her doctoral thesis on “Political and gender violence in the Basque Country in the 90s: The case of women in left-wing Basque nationalism”.
In her professional and research career she has been and is part of the Joxemi Zumalabe Fundazioa. In this foundation she has carried out work as a technician on participative processes, as a researcher and as a facilitator of processes. Worth mentioning in this work is her participation as:
- Member of the research group which resulted in a book and documentary titled “Piedra que rueda no cría musgo. Reflexionando sobre horizontalidad y militancia” (2014).
- Member of the pedagogical policy team “Bor Bor k, laboratorio de saberes populares”. In the book Experiencias de formación política en los movimientos sociales (HEGOA, 2016) she co-authors an article with Josefina Rocco, in which through the Systemization of Experiences technique the first two years of that process.
At the present time she participates in different spaces of analysis and divulgation related to her study aims.
- Dañobeitia, O; Mogollon, I (2011). “Emakumeak, Lekeitioko nortasuna saretzen?” In: Inguruak Soziologia eta zientzia politikoen euskal aldizkaria. Nº 50, pp. 109-112. ISSN: 0214-7912.
- Dañobeitia, O (2013). “Ikusezintasunak berak ere, ikusezina izkutatzen duenean” In Ankulegi Gizarte antropologia aldizkaria. Nº 17, pp. 113-116. ISSN: 1138-347-X.
- Dañobeitia, O; Txurruka ,U; Luxan, M; Ormazabal,A (2014). “Metamilitantzia. Herri Mugimenduen baitatik gogoeta” In Jakin , nº 203, pp. 93-107. Jakin Herria kultura hizkuntza.
- Dañobeitia, O (2019) “Resisters 1: Euskal emakume preso politikoen arteko ahaidetasuna” In Oihana Etxebarrieta Legrand, Maria Ruiz Torrado y Laura Vara Jimenez Argi izpiak txarrantxen artean. 14 begirada kartzela feminismotik birpensatzeko. Bilbo: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU). Pags. 147-165.
- Mujika Chao; Itziar , Martínez Portugal, Tania; Dañobeitia Ceballos, Olatz; Cardona Curcó, Irene (2019) “Indarkeriak metodo feministetatik ikertzen: esperientziak, erronkak, erresistentziak, aukerak / Investigar las violencias a partir de métodos feministas: experiencias, retos, resistencias, oportunidades” in AAVV: Otras formas de (des)aprender: Investigación feminista en tiempos de violencia, resistencias y decolonialidad. Hegoa y Simref: Bilbao.