Miren Urquijo Arregui

Scientific Production

Doctor in Social Anthropology (UPV/EHU, 2011), with a bachelor’s in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UPV/EHU, 1999), Advanced Qualification in Dramatic Art (Royal Higher School of Dramatic Art and Dance, Madrid, 1986) and Diploma in Primary Education (UPV/EHU, Gasteiz, 1980). Since 2006 she is a Lecturer in the Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology department of the UPV/EHU Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences.

A constant in her life has been combining academic training and professional experience. Thus, she did her doctorate whilst founding, together with other people, the consultancy in applied anthropology Farapi S.L. (2004-2007) and, later, alone, the consultancy Ethnotek (2008-2012). This commitment is channelled at present into coordinating the Degree Practicum in Social Anthropology.

Participating in the AFIT Feminist Anthropology Research Group allows her to progress towards a feminist perspective in the defined research areas in her doctoral thesis: Territory, agriculture, tourism, mobility, sustainability and performance.

