
First mailshot

1st Feminist Anthropology Conference. FIRST MAILSHOT


(1st Feminist Anthropology Conference)
Transforming knowledge, inhabiting awkwardness
Donostia-San Sebastián, 8-10 June 2022


After two years in which the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has prevented us from holding the 1st Feminist Anthropology Conference (the first feminist anthropology conference in the Spanish state), we would like to announce that we are once more organising the conference, which will be held on 8, 9 and 10 June 2022, with the same title: “Transforming knowledge: Inhabiting awkwardness”.

Despite the fact that during these last two years we have not been able to organise the conference, we did not want to miss the opportunity to reflect on the pandemic from the perspective of feminist anthropology, and in June 2021 we held the “Anthropology, Feminism and Pandemic” session, with a roundtable on “Feminism and pandemic: Reflections from the Social Sciences” and the pre-screening of the documentary titled Aitzindariak / Pioneras (Pioneers). The three protagonists of this film, Teresa del Valle, Dolores Juliano and Verena Stolcke, have been and continue to be important points of reference in our discipline. There is a summary of the session at the following link:

Through this first circular, we want to give information about, on the one hand, the general approach of the conference and, on the other, the thematic panels envisaged, the start of the deadline to submit proposed papers and in order to carry our registration for the conference.



Feminist anthropology emerged in the 1970s although beforehand there were already some significant antecedents. It is a theoretical frame which has had and has different names and theoretical-methodological developments, and also according to historical and geographical contexts, but which is applied to all kinds of subjects and fields of study. One of its main objectives is to transform both knowledge within and outside the discipline and in reality, so that one must react in the face of what has been established and transform discomfort into a conceptual, personal and political wager. In the Spanish state, it is a field that has grown a lot in recent decades, which is something that can been noted both in the activity of certain research groups and in its presence at anthropology conferences which are held occasionally.

As anthropologists at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), we believe that it is a good time to analyse and debate the current state of such studies together, focusing on the contributions which are being made, on different theoretical and methodological proposals, on relations with other disciplines, on the applied dimension and its insertion into society, and on the challenges which we face ahead.

In order to do so, we are organising a conference on 8,9 and 10 June 2022 in Donostia-San Sebastián. There will be four main focus points: genealogy, theory, methodology and relations with feminism and society in general. Likewise, the conference will include thematic panels for presenting the different research being carried out.



As well as roundtables and other general events, the conference will have 16 thematic panels for presenting different ongoing research and reflections. You will find more detailed information about all the panels on the conference website.

P1 Alliances from the margins: Reflections on interdisciplinarity
P2 Applied feminist anthropology
P3 Feminist anthropology of health
P4 Feminist anthropology and migrations
P5 Care, anthropology and feminisms: Articulations between research and political practice
P6 Excessive bodies: Materialities, affects and politics
P7 Methodological challenges and contributions of feminist epistemology to research on infancy and protagonist adolescence
P8 The continuation of violence(s) and their challenges
P9 Encounters between feminist anthropology and environmental anthropology: new visions and methodologies
P10 Feminisms and gender from the anthropology of Sub-Saharan Africa
P11 Gender, migrations and human rights
P12 Inhabiting our research: Methodological and epistemological reflections about and from sexual, body and gender dissidences
P13 Anthropology and law surrounding feminist justice
P14 Maternities, paternities and other parental figures
P15 Patrimony, traditions, rituals and festivals: Analysis from feminist anthropology
P16 Reformulations, emergences and absences: Theory, methodology and objects of study



In order to take part by presenting papers on these panels, anyone interested should submit their proposals via the form for submitting papers on the website:

Proposals sent in 2020 which were accepted will still be acknowledged, but they should be ratified or annulled via the submission form for papers. Any proposals which are not ratified within the deadline indicated will be annulled. In the event of submitting a new proposal, it will be subject to evaluation.

These are the conditions for the proposals:

-Each proposal submitted should indicate the panel for which it is registered; and should be accompanied in turn by a title, the name(s) of the author(s) of the proposal (up to a maximum of three people), the affiliation or institution to which they belong, a contact email address and the language in which the paper will be presented (the languages accepted are specified on each panel).

-The full text of the abstract must be between 175 and 300 words. Furthermore, between 3 and 5 keywords must be included. It should be in 12-point Arial font with 1.5 line spacing (or equivalent). The text should be attached to the form in PDF format. The full text of the papers will not be requested either at the time of registration or at a later date.

-Each participant may author only two proposals for papers (whether as author or co-author). In the event that there are more than two proposals authored by the same person, the organisation will give them the chance to choose which one to withdraw. If we do not receive any response on their behalf, we will withdraw the last proposal received.

-Each proposal may be authored by up to a maximum of three people, but only one of them should register the paper in the form (although all the authors must register for the conference). All of them must appear in the text with the abstract which will be attached when submitting the proposal.

The deadline to submit proposals will begin on 23 December 2021 and end on 7 February 2022, both days inclusive.

Once proposals have been evaluated and accepted, participants will have to make a payment to register for the conference (if they did not already do so in 2020) and submit all the necessary documentation before 10 April 2022. Should they not do so, these proposals will be eliminated from the programme.

Please take care of the style, spelling, writing, technical vocabulary and content in the submitted abstracts, and follow the norms in regard to minimum and maximum number of words in the abstract, since this will be the information which the Scientific Committee takes into account when it comes to evaluating the proposals, and that which appears in the Conference Programme and on the certificates.



The deadline to register for the conference will begin on 23 December 2021 and end on 31 May 2022, both days inclusive.

Registration must be caried out via the form which appears on the website:

In all cases, proof of payment must be attached. The payment description must specify: “AFK-name(s) and surname(s)”.

The fee to be paid will be:

-From 23 December to 10 April the fee will be 50 euros.

-From that date onwards, it will be 80 euros.

Those people who paid the matriculation fee in 2020 and did not request a refund will still be registered.

People who submit papers will have a deadline to register until 10 April 2022.



-Registration for the conference at the reduced rate: from 23 December 2021 to 10 April 2022.

-Registration for the conference at the normal rate: from 11 April to 31 May 2022.

-Last day to register for people who submit papers: 10 April 2022

-Submission of papers: from 23 December 2021 to 7 February 2022.

You can follow us on social media and for any questions, please write to us at the following email address:

Twitter: AntropologiaFeministaKongresua (@kongresua)

Instagram: AntropologiaFeministaKongresua

Facebook: AntropologiaFeministaKongresua

Second mailshot

1st Feminist Anthropology Conference. SECOND MAILSHOT

The full and summarised versions of the provisional programme for the conference are now available to see on this website along with profiles of the round table speakers.

The deadline to register for people who are presenting a paper is 10 April. People who are not presenting a paper can register up to 31 May, but the fee goes up to 80 euros (until April 10, 50 euros).

A link with information about accommodation has been included in the “Venue – practical information” section. We have managed to get discounts in some establishments, but these discounts will expire at some point.

We are assessing the possibility of offering a childcare service for those people attending the conference, but we need to know what specific needs there may be. If you are going to need this service, please send us an email ( before 30 April so that we can calculate and estimate.

Third mailshot

1st Feminist Anthropology Conference. third MAILSHOT

The full and summarised versions of the provisional programme are now available to see on the conference website along with panel times.

Likewise, and also on the conference website under the section “Venue – practical information”, we have added information on urban transportation and restaurants.

On conference days, during the panel sessions and round tables, we are going to offer a childcare service. Specifically, it can be accessed on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning and afternoon, and Friday morning. We are going to arrange this service according to specific needs, so that whoever wants to make use of it must notify us in advance. In order to do so, you should write to the conference email address ( before 20 May and answer the following questions: for which specific moment(s) will you need this service, what age is the child in question and do they have any specific needs?    

Remember that the last day to register for the conference is 31 May.

Remember, too, that it will be a fully in-person conference and therefore none of the activities will be broadcast online.

Mailshot After Conference

1st Feminist Anthropology Conference. MAILSHOT AFTER CONFERENCE


Hiru aste igaro dira Donostian I Antropologia Feminista Kongresua egin zenetik. Joan den astean balantzea egin genuen Antolakuntza Batzordean eta mezu hau idaztea erabaki genuen, berriz ere eskerrak emateko. Eskerrik asko parte hartzeagatik eta kongresuan egin dituzuen ekarpenengatik, eta eskerrik asko, baita ere, hain giro ona egotea posible egiteagatik. Gure ustez, guztion artean agerian utzi dugu Antropologia Feministak gaur egun duen garrantzia, bai diziplinari dagokionez bai ikerketa sozial eta feministari dagokionez, eta erakutsi dugu jorratzen ditugun gaiak eta lantzen ditugun ikuspegiak asko eta askotarikoak direla, baita aurrean ditugun erronkak eta desafioak ere. Baina, egiten ari garen lan zehatzaz eta haren proiekzio sozialaz gain, uste dugu orain ere elkarrekin ibili nahi dugun antropologo feministen komunitate honen etorkizunean pentsatzea dagokigula. Data garrantzitsu bat hurrengo kongresua izango da. Eskerrik asko Granadako lankideei lekukoa hartzeagatik. Kongresuak, Donostian ikusi dugu, mugarriak dira, baina ziur helburu eta estrategia kolektiboak bateratzeko modu gehiago bururatuko zaizkigula.

Mezu hau aprobetxatzen dugu Inge Mendiorozek kongresuaren hiru egunetako grabaketak bilduz egin duen laburpen-bideoaren esteka bidaltzeko:

Era beran, gogorarazten dizuegu gonbidatuta zaudetela Ankulegi elkarteak duen espazio digitalean zuen ekarpenak argitaratzera.

Besarkada bat eta laster arte.



Han pasado ya tres semanas desde que se celebró el I Congreso de Antropología Feminista en Donostia. La semana pasada hicimos balance en la Comisión Organizadora y decidimos escribiros este mensaje para daros una vez más las gracias. Gracias por vuestra participación y por vuestras aportaciones al congreso, y gracias también por haber hecho posible que hubiera tan buen ambiente. Creemos que entre todas hemos puesto de manifiesto la importancia de la Antropología Feminista en el panorama actual tanto de la disciplina como de la investigación social y feminista, y hemos demostrado que los temas que abordamos y las perspectivas desde las que trabajamos son muchas y variadas, como lo son también los retos y desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos. Pero, además de la labor concreta que estamos haciendo y de su proyección social, creemos que ahora nos toca también pensar en el futuro de esta comunidad de antropólogas feministas que queremos caminar juntas. Una fecha importante será el próximo congreso. Gracias a las compañeras de Granada por recoger el testigo. Los congresos, lo hemos visto en Donostia, son hitos, pero seguro que se nos ocurren más maneras de poner en común objetivos y estrategias colectivas.

Aprovechamos este mensaje para enviaros el link del video-resumen que Inge Mendioroz ha realizado recogiendo distintos momentos de los tres días del congreso:

Asimismo, os recordamos también que estáis invitadas a publicar vuestras aportaciones en el espacio digital de la Asociación Ankulegi.

Un abrazo y hasta pronto.