Jokin Azpiazu Carballo
Jokin Azpiazu Carballo is a sociologist and teacher at the University of the Basque Country. Since the preparation of her master’s thesis, he has developed a line of research on masculinities and the implications of men in feminism, resulting in the publication of both academic and dissemination articles, talks, debates, training and workshops, as well as the book “Masculinities and feminism” that Virus published in 2017. [Link: ]
At the same time, he has worked on gender-related violence and, specifically, sexual violence that occurs in the adult educational environment, participating in two projects funded by the EU: GAP Work Project and USVreact. These projects have given him the opportunity to collaborate with academics and researchers from universities in London, Brighton, Turin, Latvia or Athens, among other places. Both projects have combined educational intervention with evaluative research and have resulted in numerous conferences, publications and dissemination actions.
Since 2015 he has worked on research related to LGTB * subjectivities, resulting in a doctoral thesis and both academic publications and dissemination. The thesis has paid special attention to methodological processes, adapting the method proposed by Adele E. Clarke’s Situation Analysis, resulting in one of the first approaches to this method outside the Anglo-Saxon environment and the field of sociology of health. Precisely in the field of research methodologies with a feminist perspective, he has collaborated since 2011 with the SIMReF (Inter-Disciplinary Seminar on Feminist Research Methodology), within the framework of which he has contributed to the preparation of publications, classroom and online courses, as well as the organization of conferences and seminars for debate and dissemination.
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin (2017). Masculinidades y feminismo. Barcelona: Virus Editorial. [nahi baduzu sartu linka, hor dago liburua deskarga librean]
Departamento de Cultura y Política Lingüística. 2020. Feminismoa eta berdintasuna hiztegia. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia. (Berariazko ekarpena). [Link: ]
Guzmám Orellana, Gloria, Irantzu Mendia Azkue, Itziar Mujika Chao, Iker Zirion Landaluze, Jokin Azpiazu Carballo, Marta Barba Gassó, Marta Luxán Serrano (2019). Otras formas de (des)aprender. Investigación feminista en tiempos de violencia, resistencias y decolonialidad. Bilbo: Hegoa. [Link: ]
Luxán Serrano, Marta, Barbara Biglia eta Jokin Azpiazu Carballo (2018). Violencias sexuales: una asignatura pendiente. Guía para afrontar las violencias sexuales en las universidades. Bilbo-Tarragona: UPV/EHU-URV. [Link: ]
Luxán Serrano, Marta, Jokin Azpiazu Carballo eta Barbara Biglia (2018). Indarkeria sexualak unibertsitatean: aurre egiteko prestakuntza-gida. Bilbo: UPV/EHU. [Link: ]
Book’s chapters:
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin. “Fast, Slow, and Still Waters: An Overview of LGBTQI+ Politics in the Southern Basque Country”. Luxán, Marta, Jone Miren Hernandez eta Xabier Irujo (2020) LGBTQI+ in the Basque Country-n. Reno, Nevada: Center for Basque Studies Press. (57-75 orrialdeak).
Luxán-Serrano, Marta, Jokin Azpiazu-Carballo eta Mila Amurrio-Velez. “Chapter Fourteen: Tackling Sexual Violence in Higher Education: Reflections and Learnings from Basque Country”. Duggan, Shane, Emily Gray, Peter Kelly, Kirsty Finn eta Jessica Gagnon (2019) Social Justice in Times of Crisis and Hope. Young People, Well-being and the Politics of Education-en. New York: Peter Lang. (231-241 orrialdeak).
Luxán Serrano, Marta, Jokin Azpiazu eta Mila Amurrio. “La naturalización de la violencia invisible sobre las mujeres en el ámbito académico: reflexiones y propuestas”, Santamaria, Beatriz (2018). Mujeres y Universidad (sin cifras). La violencia invisible-n. Valencia: Neopatria. (41-55 orrialdeak).
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin. “Homonacionalismo”, R. Lucas Platero Méndez, Maria Rosón Villena eta Esther Ortega Arjonilla (2017). Barbarismos Queer y otras esdrújulas-en. Barcelona: Bellaterra. (247-253 orrialdeak).
Latorre, Enrique eta Jokin Azpiazu Carballo. “Homonormatividad”, R. Lucas Platero Méndez, Maria Rosón Villena eta Esther Ortega Arjonilla (2017). Barbarismos Queer y otras esdrújulas-en. Barcelona: Bellaterra. (254-261 orrialdeak).
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin (2015). “Men and feminism: From the privilege of comfort to the uneasiness of political engagement in feminist issues”. Papeles del CEIC, 2015(2).
Martínez, Luz Maria, Barbara Biglia, Marta Luxán, Cristina Fernández, Jokin Azpiazu eta Jordi Bonet (2014). “Experiencias de investigación feminista: Propuestas y reflexiones metodológicas”. Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 14(4), 3-16.
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin (2014). “Situational analysis: Grounded Theory after the postmodern turn”. Reseña. Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 14(4), 375-379.
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin (2013). “Hego Euskal Herriko gizon taldeak eta maskulinitatearen inguruko diskurtsoak”. Soziologia eta zientzia politikoaren euskal aldizkaria, 55, 1494-1510.
Other publications:
Luxán Serrano, Marta, Jokin Azpiazu Carballo eta Mila Amurrio Velez (2018). Abriendo el cajón de las violencias sexuales evaluación local del proyecto usvreact y sus formaciones. Leioa: UPV/EHU.
Luxán Serrano, Marta, Jokin Azpiazu Carballo eta Mila Amurrio Velez (2018). Indarkeria sexualen tiradera irekiz. USVreact proiektuaren ebaluazio lokala eta formakuntzak. Leioa: UPV/EHU.
Luxán Serrano, Marta, Jokin Azpiazu Carballo eta Mila Amurrio Velez (2018). Unpacking sexual violence. Assessment of the USVreact project training programmes (UPV/EHU). Leioa: UPV/EHU.
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin, Marta Luxán Serrano, Barbara Biglia eta Sara Cagliero (2018). Buenas prácticas para abordar las violencias sexuales en universidades europeas. Leioa-Tarragona: UPV/EHU-URV.
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin, Marta Luxán Serrano, Barbara Biglia eta Sara Cagliero (2018). Europako unibertsitateetan indarkeria sexualak lantzeko praktika onak. Leioa: UPV/EHU.
Alldred, Pam eta Alison Phipps (2018). Training to respond to Sexual Violence at European universities: final report of the USVreact project. London: Brunel University Press.
Alldred, Pam eta Alison Phipps (2018). Formación para responder a las violencias sexuales en universidades europeas. Informe final del proyecto USVreact. London: Brunel University Press.