Laura Muelas de Ayala
LAURA MUELAS DE AYALA (Murcia, 1984). She is Higher Technician in Audiovisual Performing, Graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Master in Feminist and Gender Studies from the UPV / EHU.
She is currently undertaking her PhD in the Doctorate of Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), in which she presents an analysis of the feminist practices around pleasure, that is, the meanings, discourses and the way in which pleasure configurates within feminist practice and theory, research that starts from her master’s degree work.
She has participated in research projects on sexual diversity and coexistence in educational centers. From 2012 to 2017, she has been a co-organizer of the Film and Sexuality Congress of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and has participated in the production of some ethnographic documentaries on sexual diversity with young people, teenagers and teachers.
At present she is a researcher hired in the Feminist Anthropology Research Group (AFIT) of the UPV / EHU, and part of the coordination team of the Feministaldia feminist culture festival, in Donostia, as well as a militant of the feminist movement of Euskal Herria. She also workes at Eihera Kooperatiba, in the design and implementation of feminist and LGTBI transformation processes.
- Muelas de Ayala, Laura; Díez Mintegui, Carmen; Urquijo Arregi, Miren eta María Zapata Hidalgo (2020) “Donostiako Emakumeen Etxea (DEE)”, in Mari Luz Esteban (arg.) Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. 35-43 orr.
- Muelas de Ayala, Laura; Díez Mintegi, Carmen; Urquijo Arregi, Miren y María Zapata Hidalgo (2020) “La Casa de las Mujeres de Donostia (DEE)”, en Mari Luz Esteban (ed.) Tejiendo comunidades desde iniciativas populares, Euskal Herriko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. Pp. 35-43.
- Muelas, Laura (2018) “Una mirada a las fiestas desde la antropología feminista: el placer como proceso creativo y espacio político”, in Mari Luz Esteban y Jone M. Hernández (Coords.) Etnografías feministas. Una mirada al siglo XXI desde la antropología vasca, Bellaterra, Barcelona. 273-293 orr.
- Muelas de Ayala, Laura (2016) “Tejiendo redes contra el cáncer de mama desde la investigación y el activismo“, reseña: Ana Porroche-Escudero, Gerard Coll-Planas y Caterina Riba (eds.), 2016, Cicatrius (in)visibles. Perspectives feministes sobre el càncer de mama, Ankulegi, 20. Pp. 115-118.
- Muelas de Ayala, Laura (2016) “Begirada bat jaiei antropologia feministatik: plazera sormen-prozesu eta espazio politiko gisa”, in Miren Guilló Arakistain (Koord.) Festak, genero-harremanak eta feminismoa. Begirada teoriko eta antropologikoak, praktika sortzaileak eta plazeraren kudeaketa kolektiboak, UEU. 55-70 orr.
- Muelas de Ayala, Laura (2015) El placer como proceso creativo en la transformación feminista, Master Amaierako Lana, UPV/EHU.
- Muelas de Ayala, Laura (2014) Erreseina: Women, Sexuality and the Political Power of Pleasure (Susie Jolly, Andrea Cornwall eta Kate Hawkins, Edk.), AIBR-Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 9. liburukia, 3. zk., 327-330 orr. DOI: 10.11156/aibr.0903lib
- Muelas, Laura; Pichardo, José Ignacio; Puche, Luis eta Matías de Stefano (2014) Jóvenes y diversidad sexual. Transformando el presente, construyendo el futuro, 15 minutu.
- Muelas, Laura; Pichardo, José Ignacio; Puche, Luis eta Matías de Stefano (2013) Diversidad sexual y convivencia: una oportunidad educativa, 18 minutu.